Jérémi Panneton photo

About me

My name is Jérémi and I’m from Montréal (Canada). I work at Audiokinetic as a cross-platform software dev for the Wwise authoring software. I’m mainly working on the Plug-in API and a new framework that will allow the authoring to run natively on Mac. Before that, I have worked in the video game industry (engine and core), as well as MAXON (Cinema 4D), and 3D rendering was my main field of interest before audio.

C++ was the first language I’ve really fallen in love with back in high school. Then, my studies in 3D and DSP have allowed me to delve deeper into the development of real-time systems, and this is what interested me the most in C++ alongside metaprogramming. Since then, I’ve acquired a lot more wisdom about programming practices and I am still closely following the evolution of the language, attending CppCon and such.

Apart from that, I’m a sound maniac. I like to concentrate on every single detail when I’m listening to music and my speakers are objects that I value a lot. I was a music producer with a promising talent 10 years ago, but my creative matter slowly became shadowed by a more technical side. So now, I’m only releasing occasionally.

On a more personal note, I have traveled in most countries of central Europe and in Scandinavia. I have also lived in the South of France for half a year. To keep my skinny arms in shape, I practice indoor climbing and bouldering three times a week. I love good beers.

P.S. This picture is a few years old. I have a mustache now.

Contact: [email protected]

Music: SoundCloud

Donations: PayPal

My studio

  • APS Klasik nearfield monitors
  • Adam A77X midfield monitors
  • Lewitt LCT 440 Pure microphone
  • Audient iD44 audio interface
  • Focal Clear Pro headphones